When you whip sum out or hit someone with, could be an object, move, word etc
by Dvrkslide April 20, 2018
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Yo this food is bussin :D
by Tugsuugsg May 8, 2021
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An adjective used exclusively to express one's excitement particularly about food or drink. Emphasis on the term in pronunciation or times being used in a sentence to further express excitement. Can also be used in terms of exploding in greatness
My lunch was BUSSIN

These shits was bussin bussin bussin

This shit boutta BUSS
by A2genZ March 10, 2023
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A food that you find delicious or something else 😉🍆
That is so bussin
by Eggo_MUFFIN✨💅 January 17, 2023
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Something food or great tasting food also a term that most of gen.z’s say.
Omg this sandwich is bussin on god sheeh
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when somethin is so great that its beyond human understanding.
chad: Bro have tasted this bunger
max: Fuck me, that shit bussin.
by amongusfunnt June 23, 2021
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