When you’re trying to be stealth but end up making a racket.
Shit, went to the fridge to grab a drink and the rest of the cans shifted in the box. Noisy quiets goin’ get me busted!
by Shmelisser August 7, 2021
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A term you say when you insult someone and they do not respond for a period of time
Person 1: You’re a ugly ape
Person 2:
Person 1: Stay quiet
by hehehowl September 3, 2022
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Indicating a situation that definitively will not happen, no matter what.
Are you going to run a marathon tomorrow? Nah man, it’s quiet.
by DreRoc September 12, 2022
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A quiet area is a location where no birds, cats, dogs or any wildlife can be found our heard.
John: Did you try that new Asian all you can eat restaurant? They say its all chicken but it all tastes different due to the rich variety of sauces they use! In fact you might even believe its not even plain chicken. Only problem is it seems like a quiet area of town for some reason.
by The Smart Ass June 21, 2015
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The ones the noisy ones with machetes, swords, guns, or grenades want people to watch.
While you're watching your quiet ones across the street, the noisy ones are creeping up behind you on the side of the street you're on with a machete, sword, or gun ready to cut, stab, slice, or shoot the next one that tries to call them a bitch, even if most people don't take them seriously or seem to notice them.
by The Original Agahnim November 11, 2021
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Smoke as much weed as the body can handle
What’s the plan for this arvo brother? Tidy up the house and have a quiet one
by Sirrrrrrre December 7, 2022
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A liberal oxymoronic invention. One a train certain cars are reserved as "quiet trains". These cars are supposed to have no music or talking.
Bro you can't talk to me, we're on the "quiet train"!

What? Quiet train? This old New York City train looks like it is from the soviet era. It is loud as hell, shaking all over the place, rickety, and constantly making creaking sounds. Why the hell would I not talk in here?

Bro, this city is full of looney liberals. You just have to turn your brain off and not use logic.
by dopexile August 25, 2019
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