In the world of gaming, particularly massive online battle arenas (MOBAs), an experienced player who plays on a low-level account. This type of person is typically an egocentric and unsympathetic piece of human filth who ruins the gaming experience of actually inexperienced players by making them completely unable to play the game.

Being a smurf stems from deep-seated insecurity about one's value in life, in response to which the smurf seeks to confirm to himself his self-worth by proving that he is better than someone at something.
Gamer's friend: Dude, you're getting destroyed.
Gamer: Yeah, this fucking bag-o-dicks smurf gets off on ruining other people's games.
by Lezzer7 May 25, 2016
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Police officers/Cops

Because they dress in Blue and have white vehicles (in most countries Blue and White)
Don't speed up dude, there are smurfs behind us.
by masongr December 11, 2015
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The smurfs are Coloma convent girls school because of their blue ugly uniform
“Have you noticed how blue the Coloma girls uniforms are ?”
“Yeah they look like The smurfs”
by Cherry Tea June 13, 2019
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The Act Of Sucking someones penis so much that it begins to turn blue
Oh yeah sarah was smurfing me all night.
by Yourafaggotlarry December 15, 2017
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Short Mothers You Really like to fuck.
Goddamn! There are Smurfs everywhere!
by Marshy Sugar Tits I October 7, 2011
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asphyxiating ones breathing until their faced becomes blue in color then proceeding to have sexual relations with them.
John tried smurfing Suzy last night but she passed out.
by mother smurfer! July 16, 2010
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