A true bad bitch with a good heart
If you call me a bitch , call me Jewel Lavenskii
by Angelinasowdy November 24, 2021
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Jewell is a very talented girl, who’s also very funny and the sweetest person ever. everytime you feel sad she will immediately make you feel better. i love her with alllll my heart. her art is amazing and she bakes the best cakes !!! if you don’t agree then suck a mf titty
Person A : Omg Jewell is so amazing

Person B : Ikr she’s the best
by ipagasfarting May 23, 2021
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A term used to define a sloppy and elongated ball sack, with both balls hanging at the bottom, held behind an extremely small penis.
Imma do her doggie style till mah balls bang against her ass and become flacid jewels, then imma let'em shine.
by t.ajnigga March 29, 2016
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person 1" I'm likin' ya Outfit."

person 2'Yea ya outfit is Hott.'

person 3 Good look on da Positive Jewels.
by Philly Boy June 6, 2005
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1. A hand job performed using ONLY the index finger and thumb, similar to a jeweler examining a diamond. Primarily used on those penises resembling a toddlers toe. Extreme concentration is necessary to successfully complete the task at "hand".
Tripp: "Dude, did you end up hooking up with that broad last night?"

George: "You could say that"

Tripp: "She was so tiny. She had to use two hands to hold her beer"

George: "Makes for a great jeweler jerk"
by GastoniaClamSlammer1 April 27, 2013
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The act of a man being head butted in the groin, generally by a little person or child.
In Times Square last night, I shit you not, I watched a little person crown the jewels of a drunk tourist.
by curtisbaby August 10, 2023
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To falsely accused. i.e, see Richard Jewell.
Don't "Dick Jewel" me, I didn't do it!
by JoeRAWKhead December 16, 2019
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