Coatsburg Illinois is the place where people come to die.
Coatsburg, Illinois, where the cats roam and old ladies drive their golf carts around.
by grandfatherpbitch April 4, 2014
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A quiet little town full of old retired people. There are two Casey's gas stations for whatever the fuck reason and a lot of fancy dinner places that are only open for dinner and no other time. Creepy truck drivers always pull off the interstate and park their creepy asses in the local Walmart parking lot late at night. For some reason though any and all natural phenomenons avoid this town and it seems as even zombie apocalypses would miss it.
Geneseo, Illinois is the quietest loveliest place in the world and nothing can beat it.
by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017
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When a guy is on bottom of a 69 and he gets the girl off so hard she shits on his forehead.
My girlfriend surprised me with a smelly Illinois brown snake on my forehead oddly I asked if she had more.
by FleshySilo July 11, 2017
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A stupid town with an stupid oil company that constantly makes noise, has crappy schools and, a lot of retards
Man i hate robinson illinoies that town has nothing in it.

I hope robinson illinois gets bombed in ww3
by Lird zapor February 27, 2022
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The saddest place you will ever visit. All there is is Fun City and Chicago. If you ever go to Illinois you might as well go to Missouri because Illinois sucks!
“I’m going to illinois for vacation
“I feel bad
by Opposum2020 January 30, 2020
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A big university in Chicago that's extremely boring. A majority of students are commuters and therefore clubs are mostly dead and parties are virtually nonexistent, a stark difference from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The campus is well known for the ugly architecture and confusing to navigate buildings. It has also earned the nickname University Impossible to Complete because of its low 62% 6 year graduation rate.
I did not get accepted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign so I attended University of Illinois at Chicago, it really sucks here
by Billiam Beaver April 6, 2023
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