Is a fill-in adjective for any adjective, commonly to describe characteristics, leaving the true meaning up to the listener's interpretation.
Example 1:
Joel: Mark you look very zesty today!
Mark: Aww, I never knew you felt that way about me.
Joel: I meant cool, not sexy!

Example 2:
Charles: That dance move is lacking some zest.
Bobby: I would say that was not very zesty.
by Theholygenius101 April 6, 2019
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A straight dude that acts gay for up to 15 minutes if it’s longer then that he’s actually gay
Yo Jackson are you gay

Jackson, nah I’m just zesty

proceeds to have sex
by Diduduf June 7, 2023
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Used as a negative adjective; most often used as a criticism to imply that something is not preferred.
The dog took a crap on the couch. That is not zesty.
by Sandy May 19, 2003
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A combination of zesty and fanciful. Often used to describe a person, drink, or food.
"Man.. Josh was looking hella zestiful today."
"I know, dude! Did you see him rocking that vest and leggings combo?"
by Joshuality October 14, 2017
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To be zestie is to be shady or salty if used as an insult but if used as a compliment can mean good
Insult: You moving zestie today
Compliment: You look quite zestie today
by Demarius Jackson March 3, 2022
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When you or someone else is looking spicy or just looking good asf
Damn, you lookin zesty today
by Inspire_all February 7, 2019
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damn that one issue of playgirl had me zesty as hell in no time!
by TheUndertaker August 18, 2004
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