A man who wrote the book titled "The Jungle" about an immigrant family coming to the United States to find work. Long , boring, annoying, story short, he saved the packing industry by writing about terrible work conditions and potential cannibalism in the U.S.'s industrial revolution. This is all good and dandy, but we should all remember him as the socialist asshole who ran for governor in 1934. After his after his "End Poverty in California" campaign, he lost. California, which was just as neutral as Nevada currently is, jumped on the band wagon for socialism, or at least the people who wanted this dickhead as governor did. This became a snowball of bullshit until it became California as the rest of the states know it today; a shitty, fascist, you-have-to-conform, SJW littered, pile of hot garbage.
History Teacher: 'Did you know Upton Sinclair wrote the book that saved you from eating other people?!'

Me: 'That's true, but did you know he was a socialist who was influenced by Huey Long, the governor of Louisiana who though we should "Share Our Wealth?"

History Teacher: 'Reallly? I never knew that! *Commie-ness Intensifies*
by A-A-Ron the DM March 24, 2018
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someone who is canadien and shows so by saying stupid stuff
Most canadiens are uptons as well
by Anonymous June 10, 2003
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The Fucking sexiest bitch in the whole worlds. She has huge tits and they are nice and squishy.
I want to squeeze Kate uptons boobs really bad. How come she doesn't post naked selfies with her two boobs that are as big and as fine as Jupiter. I want to French kiss her while squeezing her squishy tits. Also, I want to smuggle my face in between Kate uptons boobs.
by Nac55550044 May 3, 2015
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*scratches off lottery ticket
by deycallmebigdick February 28, 2014
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When you aren't attracted to men or women... Just Kate Upton.

Most people are secretly Kate Upton-Sexual and often lie to themselves and others in order to appear normal.
Barb: Wanna go catch a movie?
Paco: Sure, but don't try any moves on me. I'm Kate Upton-Sexual.
by The Other Paul Rud June 9, 2013
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posh shits that go to a posh shit school. the boys (specifically daniel dubovoi) are smelly, hormonal, acne prone losers. the girls r chavvy skets who juul in the toilets. scum. go to challoners instead.
oi did you hear about upton court grammar?
yeah they’re lil shits
by fitty amelia September 6, 2019
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