An extremely excessive or unnecessary amount of one particular thing.
Shelby, I feel like a goddamn elf carrying your trough of keys around. Like why do have this many keys on one chain?
by Ama'd February 11, 2018
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The trough is a name for the police station, named because the police are referred to as pigs.
Look at all those pigs at the trough.
by abcdefghi76543 June 30, 2015
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Any place that serves donuts.
"Dude, slow down! The pigs are at the trough!"
by spitt August 3, 2007
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The feeling experienced during a low point of a particularly bad hangover, characterised by 'peaks and troughs' of general well-being.
Me: "How are you feeling?"
Tom: "I was feeling fine a minute ago but I'm troughing so hard right now."
by p.nut April 26, 2013
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Shortened from yeast-trough. A female coworker unable to refrain from hassling you with pointless trivialities at the worst possible times. Serves as noun, proper noun,and verb.
Man, I just got troughed over some paperwork from a month ago.
by Winston/Loseton November 5, 2003
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Another name for Golden Corral. The name Golden Trough is a nod to the restaurant's long open food bar and the animalistic nature of feeding on a large pile of mediocre food with dozens of other members of your species. The nickname is not always intended to be derogatory, sometimes it's a just a sign of self awareness.
D: You free for dinner tonight?
J: Sure. We can do golden trough if you want...
D: Awesome!
by Yce January 14, 2012
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