The inadvertent contest drawn out over the lifetimes of compulsive hoarders who cannot stop amassing items which wind up being part of unmanageable piles all over their homes and yards.
From the time right after those tragic events laid end to end, she was engaged in a pile-a-thon of unimaginable proportions.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 27, 2020
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Marathon sex between two sexually athletic people. More than 12 hrs of sex-n-rest. A couple who tries to see how many postions and places they can climax in a given day, weekend, or timeframe.
Every time we've ever had sex it's always led to a fuck-a-thon. It takes me a week to recover. His rebound time is less than 10 minutes.
by Jolie St. Laurent April 9, 2006
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A competition where wives girlfriends and bitches all over the world come to compete to see who is the biggest nag in the world. The challenges are all about nagging a man to do something you want. The harder the chore is for the man to do the more points the woman gets for nagging them to do it. The winner gets a trophy and a cash prize, also the husband or boyfriend of this woman gets sent complimentary ear plugs so that this lucky guy doesn't have to take this constant nagging.
Alessia: Honey I won the Nag-a-thon!

Jim: I know they sent me these ear plugs, I think I'll put them on now.

Alessia: No, take those off you haven't done any chores and you didn't even say how happy you are for me and another thing............

Jim: What? I can't hear you.
by The Chocolate Leopard April 11, 2010
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To go on a Bale rampage.

Bale being defined as an act of extreme aggression.

Named after actor Christian Bale.
"After forgetting to put the milk away this morning my roommate went on a huge Bale-a-thon , he was baleing on everyone he met"
by klimarac February 7, 2009
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When a group of people get together and run their mouths and raise awareness of how shitty someone/something is.
Jane was mad at Rachel so Ronald, Calle, John and her had a Hate-A-Thon
by kmhiheart December 18, 2010
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Chick 1: Girl, where you been all weekend? We was supposed to go to the movies.

Chick 2: My bad girl, me and my man was having a fuck-a-thon.
by SweetPeaches404 January 26, 2009
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An intensive fundraising campaign in which callers solicit donations by telephone.
Man, that's bad. We should start a phone-a-thon for you so you never have to lose another remote ever again.
by emroflily February 7, 2012
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