To shine light on an object using a flashlight.
Part of Speech: Verb
Flashlight the dog's paw so we can discover what is causing her to limp.
by unknownsnder November 1, 2012
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God dam my guy I'm feeling really flashlight right bow
by The lllllllll man June 21, 2023
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A Flashlight Makes It Alot Crisper clear Cleaner And Crystal Like Clear Like Saranwrap You S.O What?
by Hollenhammer March 4, 2005
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Thin person wearing flashy pimp clothing
Tim came down to the club looking like a flashlight
by Xanaty February 12, 2005
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a light that can be stuck up yo best friends (daniel Gombrich)ass and they pop a boner, and smile. All this is done while they are sleeping
flashlight, maglight
by rishman027 October 23, 2008
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when a girls nipples are hard, it can be a guy if u like to notice mens nipples
trey that girl has her flash light on hahaha....ya because of me duh steve
by trey. June 28, 2005
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A small portable light that is used to see behind things and when the power goes out.
We better go buy a flashlight.
by David March 7, 2004
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