A telnet BBS Server written in Python scripting language.
Dumple was developed by Titans of Old in 2003. It allows old DOS based BBS software and doors to be accessed from a web browser. Dumple is open source freeware.
I just connected to a Dumple BBS using FireFox, and I was able to play console ANSI games just like I did back in the 80's and 90's!
by Chris A. Clark May 5, 2008
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A person, more often than not, female, who isn't necessarily ugly, but definitely isn't attractive. AKA "dry toast." Someone with no outstanding or identifying traits, average in every way possible(looks, no personality, no real talents, etc.) Plain, unremarkable, vanilla, couldn't pick 'em out of a crowd. A Dumples has no best friends(except other Dumples), but lots of 'acquaintances'. A good synonym would be a "Meg" as in Meg from Family Guy. When in doubt of someone's Dumplocity, picture them dressed/made up. If the makeup wears them instead of them wearing the makeup(kid in her mom's vanity table syndrome), it's Dumples!
"Can you believe she took her Dumples friend Tina with her to the club? You know she was just trying to make herself look prettier. Tsk tsk."

Dumples always lie and try to tell you they're 'models'. All they're modeling is sweatpants.
by Revidescent July 7, 2012
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A word you get when you are like try'n to make up a mascot name and you're frickin' hungry!
The mascot of CGNU is "the CGNU Dumple"
by Strong Bad December 17, 2003
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Dumplings are what's left of your shit that doesn't go down the toilet post flush. The remaining microturd will linger in the bowl until a 2nd flush is performed, and if not in a timely fashion can result in a rotten fart funk that will linger in the bathroom for an unfortunate person to find.
Make sure you courtesy flush because the plumbing here sucks, I don't want you leaving a dumpling here for me to find later.
by DrDookies December 8, 2008
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The small secondary shit that follows the primary usually consisting of no more than one or two turds. Normally occurs following a rushed poop due to emergency circumstances. Some experienced poopers and Zen masters are able to save dumplings for later.

The dumpling almost always leaves the subject with the satisfied post poop relief that was so cruelly denied to him/her after the first run.
Jeez I´m going to miss my flight.... I´m going to have to chinese doggy-bag it and save the dumpling for when I board
by azione01 September 26, 2010
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a very small and compact turd. Likely to have originated in the cheese producing valleys of Wisconsin during the the Clinton administration.
I tried to take a fat dump but could only squeeze out a dumpling.
by Johnny April 2, 2005
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n. Small dump. Usually produced by a puppy or an overflowing politician.

I wll grant you that it is cute. But it is none the less a dumpling. Avoid being sullied by it.
by gnostic3 May 30, 2020
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