A teef is an extreme version of a petty thief. If someone "teefs" something they took without consent but it is so little that the victim wouldn't care about the loss.
Guy 1: Where'd you get that pen from man, it's tiny!

Guy 2: I teef'd it from Argos
by Baggaz November 4, 2008
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She is an amazing, wonderful and a really kind person. In our country, Teef is a girl. She has this amazing aura that everyone loves being around here. She is the type of girl to never let you down but she can be annoying at times. Don't ever miss the chance of talking to Teef, or you have missed half of your life.
Girl 1: Teef is amazing and I wanna be her friend.
Girl 2: ya me too
by Lily_6 January 29, 2020
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1) An alternative to words like dude and bro

2) The word for "bitch" in Afrikaans.
1) P1: Sup teef. What's up?
P2: Hey man. I'm good, and you?

2) Daai dame is so 'n teef. (Translated: That lady is such a bitch). (I think you probably know what bitch means if you're on this website. If not, you're probably too young for this site.
by RickyTeef September 22, 2020
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Sounds similar to teeth, however teef are of a much more mangled apearance.
"Oh my god, did you see that girl? She had f*****g teef!"
by Cowfresh March 23, 2007
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NOUN- Urban-
Teeth. Grill. The boney white things that are in ones mouth used for chewing, biting, decorating etc.
After kissing that strawberry on the mouth, i had to quickly brush my teef.
by Levirocks November 28, 2007
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This is the South African equal to the b-word in the states.
A woman who said, "we all plagiarize" on an article the called Pastoral Plagiarism: The Do's and Don'ts was confronted by an outraged An Eye In Shadows guilty party and said, 'no we don't. You don't even know how vile that is in your part of the world. Sê dat ons almal plagiarize. Moenie eers probeer kry gepubliseerde jy onkundig piss-drink teef.." That is pretty vulgar in Afrikaans.
by illinoishorrorman July 27, 2018
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