Also spelled sucki, sucki sucki, or even sucky, is the act of a male recieving or person giving oral sex.

* Commonly linked to Asian humor
* Used in a line from the movie Full Metal Jacket
I LOVE gettin' Suckie!!!!
by J. S. Alexander January 20, 2006
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adj. Has the state of sucking to the max. Has a high degree of suckability.
My girlfriend took me out to the dollar cinema and we saw the movie "Sibling Rivalry". I had NEVER seen a movie so sucky. It was depressing that anyone would find such trash to be entertaining.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 7, 2006
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Possessing a high level of suctitude.

An adjective to decribe something that not only sucks now, but will likely always suck.
I could either read a book tonight or watch a sucky sitcom on TV,
by Tuneouttv September 14, 2003
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when something sucks but needs a bit more emphasis
guy 1 : i got sooo much work :/
guy 2 : well thats sucky :/
by tallguy :P December 8, 2010
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1. (noun) derived from the word suck that means not good or simply put... bad.

2. (noun) emphasizes something that is really really sucky/lame/crappy/terrible/yucky without the sexual innuendos that comes with the word suck.
1. Popular "cool" people suck a lot their level of suckiness reaches new boundaries when they act like they're special and everyone else is a lesser person.

2. So yeah, suck on that suckiness of yours, you motherf*cking sucker.
by Tesaffrey March 18, 2014
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something or someone is bad or unenjoyable
that song is sucki
by buttonzsu June 1, 2003
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when you think something is really harsh or stinks
"Davey ran out when heard me preggaz"
"Bellend! That's sucky"
by +Fizza+ November 23, 2005
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