A combination of the words 'scribble' and 'squib' (a small firework) Hence - someone with an explosive personality who likes to write. Also a pun on quip, and quibble - a witty comment.

Squib v. 1579 to use smart or sarcastic language, or to throw forth a quip. (Shorter Oxford Dictionary)
by Squibble September 25, 2003
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Hey Pam, look at that dope ass cuttlebitch squibbling along.
by Cuttlebitch May 18, 2019
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When something is tense, awkward, or unfortunate.
Dude: Does this feel squibbly to you?
Dude 2: Yeah, we should dip out
by MRishi January 15, 2016
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Another variation of scribbles often containing unwanted marks.
Teacher: You get an F for all these scribbles.
Student: Bitch please, its squibbles.
by Bobby Tortilla October 23, 2014
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Adj. A combonation of the two words squeamish and scribble. In other a person who is easily excited and messy. Also calling some one Squibble implies they are a potential psychopath that will do very grim things.
"That guy is squibble, watch out he may kill you and perform necrophilia."

"Don't let her squibb on you or you'll never get it out of your clothes."
by Airic January 5, 2007
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v. To communicate with your friends and people you like, while away from them
"Jeez, I'm not out 'til the end of the month now"
"Damn... well, make sure you squibble me sometime during the week, tell me what's goin' on, innit"
"Fo' sho'"
by Donald Kibbles September 6, 2008
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unofficial name for the unnamed portion of the back of the knee.
After exercising, I felt an intense pain in my squibble.
by Dolores Gremlinson April 29, 2007
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