A term used to describe someone who is good looking or hot
Dude, try get her number coz that chick is spy!
by malkhail July 2, 2010
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A secret group which works to stop the secret orginization living inside school walls from recruiting new members, and making more big, round holes in the celing tiles
S. P. Y. *altogether* Spy.
by Sally, Polly and Y April 1, 2004
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A mark ass.

One whom is a busta and/or one who does not work for Hertz.

I would chill with you but your a spy.
by Cody Shoe May 3, 2007
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Someone who suffers from intellectual from disabilities, aka a retard.
Bob: Why is that guy licking that window?

Rob: Because he’s a spy.

Bob: You’re right! Let’s go listen to Chubby Behemoth brand podcast!
by p1@typu5 September 26, 2023
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A non-Slav white person hiding among other Slavs. They are easy to spot by a lot of things such as: dislike of vodka or/and kvass, not eating shelled semechki, and squatting with his feet not being flat to the ground
Boris: What are you doing blin???
Vadim: I'm squatting cyka. Now bring me vodka.
Boris: This is not true squatting pizdec!!!!
Vadim: (pulls out unshelled semechki and eats it)
Boris: Get out you Western Spy!!!!
by i hate sjws February 25, 2018
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A Spy Crab is a truly magnificent creature. virtually harmless, they are usually found around intense battle areas between the BLU and RED team in the game Team Fortress 2.

The Spy Crab, though harmless is often killed by poachers for free "points". The Spy Crab is an endangered species which needs to be protected at all costs. if you see a Spy Crab, then guard it at all costs.
Person 1: Spy Crab! Free Points!

Person 2: NOOOO!!!! *kills Person 1*
by Alaskan Wolf March 26, 2009
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