-something disgusting, including a person, place, or subject
-referring to any thing
*after seeing puke on the floor*
What is this shit-ass shit?

That kid's a stupid shit-ass shit
by nicole October 4, 2005
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A phrase to address someone who likes to talk a lot of shit. It means that the person talking shit, is actually shit.
John: "Dude, you are such a douche and suck at everything."
Bill: "Shit talks shit"
by AGomes January 10, 2012
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National past time of young angry men in the middle of nowhere. Involves throwing one article of shit at another article of shit which generally remains a stationary target.
Hey bro, finish that brewsky and put it down so we can throw rocks and sticks at it until it breaks. Then let's throw shit at that sign over there. Fuck, you throw like a girl.

Hey man, croquet is for fags, let's play a good ole' game of throwing shit at shit
by shit-thrower September 4, 2010
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The most beautiful words created by Richie and Eddie about to be eaten by a clown. You can use these words to to express how you are feeling.
shit fuck shit, this clown is about to eat us”
by Pu$$ycaption September 14, 2019
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Usage of "Shit-n-Shit" is similar to that of the word N shit. It is just another way to end a conversation; however, using this word it is a lot funnier, plus it implies more than just N shit. (Twice as much).

Also "Shit-n-Shit" can be used to describe: items, activities, or just about anything you can use the word shit for.
Guy 1: Hey are you busy?

Guy 2: Yeah I got a lot of stuff to do.

Guy 1: Alright, have fun with that Shit-n-shit.

Guy 1: I feel like the mafia!

Guy 2: The mafia does do Shit-n-Shit like this so it is understandable.
by AGun June 17, 2010
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A game enjoyesd by native Filipinos whereby players spread about on an open court and try to jag each other in the genitals with wooden dowels or sticks five meters in length. A similar game is played by Filipino children with simplified rules and sticks not exceeding three meters in length. It is intended as an introduction for children aged 4 to 8 to develop skills and have fun.
We played shit-shit this morning, and I jagged Arnel in the pecker four times.
by Davey Gagunga November 24, 2016
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poop trash-talking other poop
"You are one stinky shit."
"You stink way more than I do."

"Your mama doesn't even stink this bad." "Your mama does."

(shit talking shit)
by Emerson Crossjostle March 13, 2013
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