liking someone and doing things that will get them to noitce you ore initiate conversation/contact in attempt to sway their attraction towards you
y/n: i totally like him!!!

y/f: then you should scheme!!!!!!!!
y/n: you're so right! i'm gonna snapchat him right now!
by sLangKween December 15, 2016
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when great minds such as bruce, eric, and denise put thier minds together to form and ingenious yet ridiculous plan of action
bruce - we got to scheme for this weekend
eric - nigguh we got to scheme for tonight
denise - you guys are fucking dumb
bruce - lets start scheming
by bruce almighty aka god August 26, 2008
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one of the levels of dating. scheming is when two people like each other and are talking, but are not quite a thing, but do more than just talk. scheming is after talking and before a thing.
boy 1: "you and that girl are getting pretty close, what even are you guys?"
boy 2: "I dont know we haven't really discussed it yet but I think we are scheming since I know she likes me back."
by _kodakwhite_ November 27, 2017
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1. an underhand plot

2.ya crew
i) person 1: ayo wat dey doin ova der!?
person 2: man dem girls be scheemin all day er day

ii) person 1: uh...wat dey doin here?
person 2: oh nah das jus ma scheme
by lil luh October 15, 2006
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similar to hoeing (but now used by people of any gender, unlike previous uses of "scheming")
(v.) trying to sleep with people (mischievous connotation)
*in the club* "Ooh she scheming" (often shortened to schemin')
by acupcakewashere October 18, 2017
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A really cool functional programming language, derived from LISP. Makes cool data strucutures like lazy lists easy to make.
by Mike April 16, 2004
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As used by Neil.See Neil.
It's a scheme we do. Yes and if you could just sort out the colour scheme.
by Random Dude January 14, 2005
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