To eat a lot of snacks in a short period of time
Ronnie ate a hamburger, some chips, a taco, some hot dogs, some curly fries, an ice cream cone, some currie powder, a couple of soft-pretzles, a pot pie or two, and 8 twinkies, all in 3 minutes. HE was TOTALLY scarfing.
by Roger Tillsberger December 7, 2007
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Hang yourself by a scarf and masterbate. It really increases the pleasure.
Brian really digs scarfing from the ceiling fan.
by Ted April 22, 2003
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To masturbate while strangling oneself.
The police classified Jim's corpse as scarfing due to his hand on his exposed penis and the belt that was around his neck.
by Nell T. May 19, 2008
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A specific type of beard stretching from ear to ear grown by men whose facial hair only grows below the jawline, creating a natural scarf.
If you want to go to the bar with us tonight, you need to shave the scarf.
by DjTrippin May 15, 2007
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1. To eat something really quickly.

2. To throw your arms around someones neck and hang...
OPTIONAL: Say scarf in a high pitched gay voice.
Did you see Luca scarfing down that dick last night? What a gaylord fag.

by Enigmatic-Boy July 11, 2008
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(noun)a person who's always asking to get something of yours for free,usually weed,cigarettes,booze,or food. (verb)to engage in the behavior of a scarf. derived from the term Apple scruff;a derogatory name given to hangers-on of the Beatles after they formed their own record label,Apple Records.coined by my friends and I in middle school in the Seventies.
Man,that Dillon is such a scarf,he should get a part time job,just like the rest of us stoners.
by skittles63 February 28, 2009
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A form of suicide involving hanging oneself while very intoxicated and masturbating.
I've decided to go out with a bang, I'm going to scarf myself.

See Queer as Folk Season One Finale
by Will April 12, 2005
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