A comedy word for the testicles. Poularised on the BBC tv program Top Gear, mainly by presenter Jeremy Clarkson.
Suitable for use in situations where 'bollocks' might offend.
E.G when talking to Aunt Mildred or the vicar.
Person 1: "You should've seen Dave the other night...kept groping up this bird in the club. Anyway, she got so fed up, she kicked him in the plums."
Vicar: WTF???
by D7 September 5, 2012
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A swollen vagina. Usually induced by sufficient pounding by an abnormally large penis. May also come about by trying to masturbate with large objects such as a bat or an elephant trunk.
Person 1: Why is Sally limping?

Person 2: I gave her a plum last night.

Person 1: ooh ouch....

Person 2 I know right....it was nasty
by T33P33 August 19, 2011
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Plum is an overflowing repository of superlatives and exaggerations with an oustanding magnitutude of annoyingness.
Plum's parents are reupted to own absolutely, just loads and loads of just simply amazing and really expensive antiques, probably more than anyone else in the world.
by tom_snurge August 10, 2006
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When you tie a rubberband around both your penis and balls until the head of your penis turns purple (the plum), you then enter her vagina with the plum (both dick and balls together).
Sally wanted her vagina slammed, so I gave her the plum
by Headblade October 10, 2017
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The most awesome word in existence.

Mistakenly used to describe a roundish purplish fruit but in actual fact is the pinnacle of all existence.

The concept of plum originated in the 1900s where Albert Einstein discovered that PLUM=MC2.
Albert was grossly misquoted on this groundbreaking discovery and hence the formula is incorrect in thousands of textbooks worldwide.

His most notable but secreted experiment was the “Plum” project involving three plums (the purple fruit variety), a centrifuge and infinite amounts of electrons.

The result was a massive time space continuum rip which caused entire village the aforementioned plums were occupying to be destroyed thus proving that plum is the meaning of life, or at least Einstein concluded, at lest 96% of the meaning.

In a modern day context “Plum” is used to express and emotion worthy of a time space continuum rip.

Laura: WOW! I can’t believe that the boys’ toilet was occupied and the girls’ toilet wasn’t. If I didn’t know any better I would say that’s a time space continuum rip.
Dannielle: That’s so plum weird!

Laura: If you strap a piece of toast butter side up to a cat, would the cat land on its feet or would the toast land butter side up?
Dannielle; I’m pretty sure it would just rotate in the air until the universe ended or create the biggest time space continuum rip ever.
Laura: We should go strap a piece of toast to a cat! It will be the plum best thing we could ever plum do in out lives!
Dannielle: OK!

by PG for plum great April 8, 2009
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The word your friend uses when they don't know how to correctly spell plumbing.
I'm helping my grandparents with their plumming.
by TitaniumToaster February 14, 2016
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It's actually a very rare kind of keyboard no longer being manufactured.
Unlike most keyboards, the PLUM keyboard organizes keys in a square grid, as opposed to the staggered rows of a typewriter.
It also goes up to the F15 key.

Where t is tab and b is backspace.
by TheBrony27 May 21, 2013
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