A sentence or phrase of contradictions that seem to make no sense upon first perusal but actual does on closer inspection. A common misconception is that any set of contradicting words placed together makes an oxymoron; but a phrase or sentence is truly not an oxymoron unless it actually DOES make sense, even if it might not seem to.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Faith unfaithful made him falsely true.
by makariln August 6, 2003
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Two words that means the exact opposite of the next word.
Two words that conflict eachother
Examples of an oxymoron:
Obama Care
Naturally Artificial
Toyota Stop
by WAFFLES ARE THE BEST March 17, 2011
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when a chick's nice warm mouth is giving a guy dome with ice in her mouth to create a contradicting sensation in the genital region
Alex: O's that oxymoron felt so good last night
O's: Did your cum freeze when it hit the ice
Alex: No because the warm mouth contradicted the freezing ice thus creating an oxymoron and a great feeling
by The cheating system February 1, 2011
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A not-so-popular mixed drink. It consists of:

one shot of vodka
1/2 shot of lemon juice
one teaspoon honey

It is named this because despite the controdictory ingredients, none of them mask each other's flavor.
I had 20 oxymorons last night, at least I think I did...
by Frederico July 11, 2005
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That one guy who can only oxy-weld and never tries to TIG, MIG or even Arc weld!
MIG: "Look at Jarred over there, what an oxymoron!"
TIG: " I know, what an absolute Oxidizer!!!!"
by essenceofexistence June 19, 2017
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A person who abuses the prescription painkiller OxyContin, also known as hillbilly heroin. A truly moronic oxymoron refers to OxyContin incorrectly as "oxycotton".
That oxymoron Jeff overdosed on OxyContin at a rave.
by Led Zeppole November 20, 2003
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