the act of pogging; said when something exciting or cool happens

poggers used to be an actually good twitch emote (it's decent now) until twitch changed it.
the original emote looked a bit like:
















Person 1: "Yooo! I officially beat Minecraft for the 100th time!

Person 2: "Such dedication.. That is very poggers.
by mfpoggerz February 26, 2021
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When something really cool and or exciting happens in your life or someone around you.
Joe:Dude I'm getting sold to the stinking Saudis for child labour

by Ur Nan A Slag September 11, 2020
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something/someone that you find absolutely amazing
Lukey: I'm useless..

Me: "you may not think you are poggers but you are to me"
by kovenu January 8, 2021
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A twitch emote used to describe great achievement or pride in a category.
Clone Hero Streamer: fc’s something

by SYNTAXDD June 18, 2020
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When something epic and unexpected happens
My friend: What happened yesterday?
Me: My wife’s boyfriend let me stay past midnight!
My friend: dude that’s Poggers
by Şāsori October 14, 2020
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A romany gypsy word meaning broken,ruined,damaged a corruption of the jewish/russian word pogrom meaning devastated.
i lifted too much and poggered me back
by pukka romany February 2, 2010
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Some nerdy cunt that probably cosplays and watches anime. Typically seen in the library with their LGBTQ+ group or playing minecraft.
"Fuck that cunt is Pogger"
"Look at the Pogger group over there"
by conecrusher42 December 1, 2021
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