girl that is hella asian and really quiet you would think she's short but once you get a good look shes actually hella tall
friend:why tf she so quiet
me:oh shes just a nhi
by IDA| October 10, 2018
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Dear Nhi,

I am writing to tell you how frustrated i am that you are so small. You are smaller than small. You are like what happens when a oompa-loompa loses 4 inches. You are flatter than the Earth and trust me, thats really flat. Sometimes when i think of you i think of trybute because you are an idiot who doesn't know how to say tribute. You know im hot and you cannot resist my devilish charms but you insist im not. Im 9/10 and you are the 1 for me. You cannot resist me, Nhi. You are good at calling me daddy and sempai

Scat - You hot love

PS. your name is literally a sound
You call me daddy so well, are you a Nhi?
by Scat - The hot lover July 27, 2019
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a beautiful,short,asian,hot,cute,funny,awesome person with awesome smelling hair that is like a drug where once you smell it you're addicted to it, and also has big beautiful brown eyes and really nice and soft black hair along with a great smile and a pretty face and the perfect body
Guy 1- Damn, she hot as hell, whats her name?

Guy 2- Nhi pham of course, who else would it be?
by michaelisawesome January 27, 2013
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Vietnamese girls' name.

All the Tuyet Nhi's I've ever known are all amazing in so many ways. Consider yourself lucky if you know a Tuyet Nhi. She's a keeper. If you know a Tuyet Nhi, she is likely to be:
- Fun to hang with
- Spontaneous
- Two-faced, in a good way. (She can be an angel but she's got a rebellious side)
- Has a cute laugh
- Very polite but can be very mean to those she hates
Person: I love Tuyet Nhi, she's brilliant!
Person 2: Doesn't everyone?
by JinIzaah November 19, 2010
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nhi is a super chill dudey who got them litness
wowza ita nhi ngyuen, she be cooll
by asianbelafarr April 4, 2017
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A foodie. A totally big eater that never stops eating. In other words a heo
Omg you're such a Yen Nhi!!!
by Whoyou,notme October 28, 2018
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Cat-Nhi is super interesting. She has brown hair and is short. She is really obsessed with a video game, and really likes boba. She has a dog, and a little brother.
Omg are you named Cat-Nhi? That means you have a dog and a little brother!
by Footlover124 May 10, 2021
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