
1. Some one Fuck's With your Mind

2. Gets inside your Head to Change your mind

3. One Has Sex,with another, With there mind
1. She Mind-Fucked me about The Dance

2. She Mind-Fucked Me Into thinking it Was My Fault

3. She Mind-Fucked Me For an Hour, From across the Room during English
by Hunta Be October 24, 2006
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An act similar to sex, involving two people sending mentally arousing brain waves to each other. No physical contact is required to mind fuck. Mind fucking is a very safe sexual act, however one should be warned that you can contract a MTD, or mentally transmitted disease. It is recommended that those who are about to mind fuck make a mental mind condom before hand, to help reduce the chance of contracting a MTD. Mind fucking is a two person activity. If you wish to engage in a form of mental sexual activity for more than 2 people, try having a mind orgy or mind threesome. Normal orgy and threesome rules apply.
I just had the most amazing mind fuck with Sara last night!!@ I got such a brainer, and her mind is so sexy. I could have eletricly compulsed on her brain all night long.
by Eddie the cool kid August 27, 2006
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Convincing yourself that by over analyzing a situation you can gain control over it when, in reality, it is impossible to control.
He was mind fucking himself trying to figure out what he could do to make her love him.
by chelseachelsea March 28, 2007
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To remove the eyeball and insert the penis into the ocular cavity and beyond.
I'mma gonna fuck your mind baby! Let's Mind Fuck.
by nsg1076 July 28, 2009
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12 Advantages For Control

Advantage 1: The Bullshiter
Advantage 2: The Whiny Bitch
Advantage 3: The Pussy
Advantage 4: The Freak
Advantage 5: The Dumbass
Advantage 6: The Airhead
Advantage 7: The Roach
Advantage 8: The Skank
Advantage 9: The Instigator

Advantage 10: The Whore

Advantage 11: The Pharaoh

Advantage 12: The Big Mouth

naive, dumb, blind, idiot, illusion, delusional, slow, government, illuminati, powerless, system, fooled
Mind fuck: Politicians are magicians; everything is an illusion so you can't see what goes on behind closed doors. The people in power love when you whine and show your weakness by depending on a system to take care of your issues. They love you to be dependent on them so they can tell you what you want to hear. Politicians keep us dumb & lazy. Sure they claim to share and fight for your issues/values but they have their own agenda. We just follow the best liar we want to hear trick us. Stay naive!
by MindFuck:12Advantages4Control December 30, 2011
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The distinct feeling of being utterly confused. Often as a result of school work, a messed up movie, or Shakespeare.
Me: That physics test was a mind fuck.
You: Yea, I had english and we're studying Shakespeare.
Me: We've both been mind fucked.
by Mind Fucked November 16, 2004
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something that you cant wrap you brain around. leaves you paralized
by beautifulxdisaster January 30, 2006
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