To take drugs in order to win an athletic competition, such as the 2006 Tour de France.
I had to Landis in order to win that big race!
by Dentar August 6, 2006
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When a guy rubs off a girl without getting anything in return
"We were getting down and I rubbed her off and didn't even get a lousy hand job back (Landau)"
"Dude, you gave a Landis!"
by Kilomack November 30, 2008
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The most amazing guy ever. Super personable, extremely good looking, and has the biggest dick you will ever find on a guy.
This guy i met is soo Landi!

Im looking for a Landi kind of guy.
by iloveyoutommy August 21, 2008
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Landy is a FUCKING GORGEOUS man, he is the CUTEST thing in the known universe, and if you meet a landy he will hip-fire your heart with his pure unfiltered eternal love
Man he’s really cute he’s such a landy
by For sure not someone you know October 23, 2019
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One who is a tool, or frequently gets checked, as in a hockey game.
Kevin is a landis, and he gave all his money to the hairy gay bald man.
by ushmi December 11, 2006
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Sexy, hot and causes the deepest arousal
Liv is looking Landy today🥵
by Durraz69 October 12, 2020
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