a mix of a hug and a snuggle
i think you want to huggle wit a kitty. meooow.
by dusty July 11, 2004
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A hug and a cuddle combined
I need a huggle.
by MCR_riles June 15, 2015
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verb. The act of sensual, physical embracing between two people usually starting with kissing, then leading to petting and making out, which ultimately results in variations of sexual intercourse followed by a single, sweet kiss afterwards.
Dhani and Josephina hadn't seen each other in quite some time, so upon seeing each other, they huggled.
by ShiningStar09082009 November 23, 2010
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To cuddle and hug in the same at the session OR at the same time.
My girlfriend and I huggles before having sex.

**Huggles the 1337ness**
by Huggler February 14, 2003
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Like spooning, but with the two people facing each other, as if they're hugging.
I totally huggled that chick so hard last night.
by srawrrrrr September 2, 2009
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(n.) The act of huggling. (v.) To show affection or <3; to wordhug/word
<Surge> !huggle
* Chanserv huggles Surge.
by BGHSurge February 9, 2003
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