the think when you get a crazy text messege and you wanna say holy shit! but your parents are in the room
"Well mom i kinda feel like.....(recieve crazy text) HOLY SUCK MOTHER!
by abadcatman April 20, 2010
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Holy Moses Mother of Pearl is something you would yell instead of swearing when your in the company of small children and the elderly and something bad has happened.
On the way home from Chuck-E-Cheese Pizza, Ryan's friend started to feel sick and to his moms surprise Ryan's friend Jesse vomited hitting her in the back of her head! With vomit running down her back she almost dropped the "F" bomb and instead shouted, "Holy Moses Mother of Pearl!" "Did you just recycle pizza in my hair?"
by Shucky Kunt August 30, 2017
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An exclamation used in extremely shocking circumstances. These words can be used on their own or in groups to express feeling towards something, but have greatest effectiveness when all five are used together. When using this expression, your friends will automadically know the extent of your state of shock! "Holy shit balls mother fucker" can be used in times of very good or very bad news. This Expression became popular at Trent University and was started by accident when a student named Sarah found out how much she hated Chemistry.
"Hey, are you having some chem trouble? How's the assignment coming along?"

"Holy shit balls mother FUCKER! :'( I have no idea how to do THIS!!! "

"And the winner is... Sarah _____"

by Intertia Longer January 5, 2010
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Person 1: holy mother!
Person 2: what?
Person 1: that shit scared me so bad!
by hiheyheyohallohihi March 31, 2022
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