A person highly skilled in programming who puts there talents to use by soleving the unsolveable,there history offen gos all the way back to the days of the first "minicomputers" and the earliest ARPAnet experiments.

Hackers also hate boundrys,and therfore offen hide there true identitys to everyone they know on the net,and there fake identitys are hidden to evryone they know in real life.

nearly all programmers look up to the hackers master like Programming experience.

NOTE: Hackers must not be confused with the scum knowen as "crackers"
the unix is an os created by hackers,however breaking into someones ip and messing up there phone is knowen as craking and is not practiced by real hackers.
by T-F-K March 22, 2006
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Anyone who wins against you in a video game.

1) This allegation can always be used to cover up the fact that you don't have that perfect win record. 2) Even the victory of AI (computer-controlled) enemies can be ascribed to hacking.
1) Nice Gamer: hey congrats on winning your last 79 out of 100 games
Pissed Gamer: i woulda won 100 if it wasnt for those hackers

2) Pissed Gamer: i hate single player games!

Nice Gamer: but i thought you liked Skyrim
Pissed Gamer: i used to, but those fukin' Draugr are a buncha hackers!
by Vindicator Phoenix February 5, 2017
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Pre-Morris Worm:

A programmer who uses low-level features of a computer language or protocol (a hack) to produce results which canonical use can not.

Post-Morris Worm:

A criminal who steals computing resources and data through unauthorized access.
I used to consider myself a LISP hacker, but since the sendmail debacle, I had to change my .finger to say "wizard" to keep our idiot congressmen from locking me up for redefining the comma operator.
by Carl Klapper May 14, 2006
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Someone who really, really sucks at golf. Not neccesarily a noob. There are people who have been playing golf for years and are still hackers.
Everyone starts as a hacker but all hackers should stick to cheap hacker courses and not go to good ones because they spoil it for the good players.
See that dude over there with the rental clubs and his visor on backwards?

Yeah, what a freakin' hacker.
by 69king December 3, 2004
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A term given to a player of an online multiplayer game eg: Counter Strike, Halo etc, defining someone who owns everyone and obviously has altered the coding of the game to give them an unfair advantage over everyone else. Usually mistaken for someone who is actually alot better than the people who are playing against him/her and have nothing better to do than brand them a cheater instead of actually playing better at the game
Blue_587: Your a hacker Grey!!
Grey_724: It's not my problem im better than you
Blue_587: I shot you 4 times!
Grey_724: It takes 6 shots to kill someone!
Blue_587: But you killed me with one shot!
Grey_724: I used a rocket launcher you goose!!
by Baz85 October 26, 2007
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A pet or friend who coughs up hairballs.
Fluffy was a longhaired Persian who was also a hacker; the relationship was illfated.
by harry flashman August 3, 2003
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A person specializing in hard programming languages, such as C++ or C#. Not to be confused with cracker, which is a person who intentionally breaks into other computers and destroys data.
by Matt Vessey July 9, 2004
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