HXC is just short for the word hardcore. hardcore is a music genre but also is an attitude and a way of life. Most people who like or are into HXC usally didnt fit in very well with the popular crowd or just didnt feel like they belong there so they found a place where they fit in and had a home and could relate with other people, this was HXC. There are many versions of HXC. some people say that to be hardcore you must be straight edge and vegan, while others say that you shouldnt be straight edge. The genre of music has many diffrent views too. people say that true hardcore is bands such as : madball, throwdown,terror,The warriors and others say that hardcore is bands like : As I lay Dying, underoath, avenged sevenfold. People have been arguing about what hardcore TRUELY is but theres so many diffrent perspectives of it who really knows what true hardcore is, hardcore is what ever you want it to be.
HXC kid 1: hardcore is about bieng straight edge and dancing in the pit.

HXC kid 2: hardcore is getting wasted and hurting people on purpose in the pit.

HXC 3: hardcore is not about the music its about the life style you live.
by Stratton Taylor April 20, 2006
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not what most of you are saying... its all about standing up for what you beleive in standing your ground and never backing down. its the marine motto "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR"
it started with such bands as black flagg its not the 2 step not your clothes not your crew not straight edge its not chugging a liter of vodka its being fed up with being a second class citizen and letting it be known its standing up when no one else will
musically not: etid not as i lay dying
musically its: black flagg, minor threat, righteous jams(invasion), black listed, pale horse, tripple threat, death before dishonor,
realisticly: it stay gold pony boy... if you dont get that then get out your not hxc
by chrismfmartini May 13, 2008
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1.) Dancing like you're a damn moron
2.) Best when kicked out of concerts because of their disregard for where their windmilling and karate kid moves are landing
3.) Should be beat down in a mosh pit quickly
4.) Pathetic excuses for human beings; generally obnoxious and very narrow minded
Look at the hXc faggotry over there.
by Jackii August 23, 2007
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posuer hardcore. ex: underoath, the almost, all that shit music that get's on warped tour nowadays
loserkid666: armor for sleep is so hxc

Oi!boy77: fuck you you bellend
by A Choking Victim January 6, 2008
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the way most douche bags and tools spell "hardcore"
dud3 that baNd is s0 hxc!!!1
by anymnous September 11, 2010
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Shortened acronym for hardcore.
jo: dude, i pooped on your lawn yesterday.
ese: hxc, yo.
by daavid October 25, 2006
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not just a music genra, a way of life
Stay Tough, Stay HxC
by xalex May 6, 2004
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