1. Fucking Ridiculous

2. So completely full of fuckery that it may as well be made of said fuckery.
These presidential candidates are some real fuckers, but the fact that were supposed to pick one of them is truly fuckulous.
by MC Prose September 13, 2016
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If something were to be Fuckulated it has to be messed up, damaged, or otherwise fucky. It can often be applied to machine parts/components, program lines, ones hair, et cetera.
"Hey Billy! Help me out with this compressor, its all Fuckulated!"
by Dr_Bootleg March 12, 2019
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how good the fucking is, the level of intensity/pleasure derived from fucking.
Jim: "Man, last night the fuckulation was hiiiiigggggghhhhhhhh!"
Greg: "Ohhhhhhh you lucky bitch."
by runrunrunrunrunrunrun November 3, 2008
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(noun) - an individual that can last very long without any sexual intercourse
Sarah is such a fuckulent - I don't think she's had a boyfriend in ages.
by freezing124 April 11, 2017
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The velocity at which someone can fuck something up.
OR what you say to your friend Lance when he really pisses you off.
the fuckulance that Bill displayed on the Dormer account was unrivaled, Don't ya think?
by johnnisalsa February 20, 2008
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Having to much of a good time...
This is so fuckulating...
by forthadeds March 31, 2021
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