Steven He is such a failure
When he was 9 years old he was still in school
And he used calculators
When his father was 9 he had to walk over hills for miles to get to school 26 hours a day
He had to do it on one foot
His other foot was starting a business
Now Steven is an actor with a YouTube channel
This is why he doesn't have a girlfriend
by i am right behind you January 3, 2022
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A bad excuse not to try.
You'll never learn from past failures if you don't try.
by PaperMachete October 25, 2005
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The state of being a complete failure, so much it is virtually a religion or way of life.
I completely suck at Halo, so I became a member of Failurism
by Capt. Knut September 14, 2008
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A sense of being unsucessful or failed.
Failureness might be a key to success.
by Macky Chauhan May 9, 2018
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Completely incompetent, useless, and unable to complete the simplest tasks successfully.
Cassandra Collins is the biggest failure in the history of the world!
by JBDMR August 16, 2019
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A moment of illumination; a chance to reexamine/reconsider one's approach. A necessary byproduct of risk. See also: opportunity.

"No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." -Samuel Beckett

Alfred Pennyworth: Took quite a fall, didn't we, Master Bruce?
Thomas Wayne: And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. -"Batman Begins"
by Dusty Cioffi May 6, 2008
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Hi failure? Your definitions are dope af suck my willy
Niggertitscockandballtorture failure?
by The Big Ham March 5, 2020
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