OMG, that guy is so Hitler! This would mean evil.
by Violetwolf May 2, 2011
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evile is a mix of "evil" and "vile"
That creature is evile!
by me September 18, 2004
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concentrated foulness; intentionally bad; extremely malignant; Microsoft.
1. wow, microsoft put a lot of evil into their new windows professional edition.
2. help! my new windows professional edition just tried to cut off my penis! that's pretty darn evil.
by Batman February 21, 2003
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Someone who has more money than you and is therefore defined as evil.

This is often used as justification of attacks on a company's computer systems or website. (such as a DoS or DDoS attack on Microsoft's website)
Tom: Why did you spend all day DoSing Microsoft?

Harry: Bill gates is evil man, he's evil.

Tom: *facepalm*
by aporcupine October 7, 2009
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A deterministic philosophy used to justify selfish extremes and deny responsibility for personal actions, even if they bring harm to others. Those who are evil almost always rationalize their actions and often despise the terms "good" and "evil" because it is much easier to deny moral absolutes than it is to acknowledge them.

Theologically speaking, evil is said to be the absence of good, or more specifically mans isolation from God, brought about not through Gods will but mankinds own doing.
Human beings are not black and white, but good and evil are.
by Killing Kittens June 24, 2004
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Using knowledge of how to commit harm for your own ends.

Warps the mind of the perpetrator.
by Person May 18, 2004
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