Death. Tango uniform. Extinction. Cessation of life. Passed on or passed over to the other side.
by ExitRamp August 12, 2006
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When you smoke mersh and it makes you real tired so you take a dirt or mersh nap.
That F***ing mersh made me tired, im gonna go take a dirt nap.
by Shanana pookie Jones May 15, 2007
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Older individuals in a working environment who no longer serve any purpose other than the creation of more work for you.
Bob joined the dirt nap crew shortly after his fourth bypass surgery and could no longer function without assistance.
by EPT September 18, 2006
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The Man is none other than the gangster version of the Grim Reaper. One tap on the shoulder from this mother trucker and you're done son.
Dr. dirt nap visited my dog petey last night. I really miss my niijaaa
by PlasticSheep October 22, 2018
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Banging a girl from behind and without breaking rythym you reach for a pillow, put it up to your rear, take a dump in it. Then you flip the girl over like your about to go mish but instead you tenderly stuff the dirty side of pillow on her face and gently smother her for 5 seconds. Then you jump out of bed and run out her kitchen door kicking over the garbage cans on the way out....
My ex girlfriend was giving me the blues so I called up her best friend for a Memphis Dirt Nap
by Cal the Lion July 6, 2017
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When you take a major fall off of typically an off road personal vehicle...ex: dirt bike, atv, quad, etc. This could also easily be applied to falling off of anything really...ex: bicycle, skateboard, rollerblades, stripper pole etc.
Holy sh*t dude! Did you see that douche bag try to jump over that dune on his quad? His leg is turned around backward! That was the worst dirt nap I've ever seen!
by Cakessi August 14, 2009
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