A word meaning dick but said in a nicer fashion. Said around people that may be offended by the word 'DICK!'
"hey deek. what's up?"
"DEEK! i just spilled my hand cream all over my pants!"
"deek, that sucks."
by Toe Tee. September 13, 2009
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verb, to press the outer vaginal lips together with one's thumb and four fingers, in a manner like pulling a book from a shelf.
Before intercourse, Bob deeked Jane's vagina.
by AlzCarSale April 12, 2008
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Someone who is both a dork and a geek, thus making them a "deek"
Nah man, you're a total deek. Go away.
by Miss.Buttlock. March 18, 2011
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A druken Irishman's reference to his member.
by Booker T. Buttfuck September 29, 2003
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Slang term for penis, derived from dick.
Put your balls on my deek.
by rex November 16, 2004
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Word putting extra emphasis on dick.
A dick to the highest power
Dick squared
by Caseyh June 8, 2006
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To have such violent and plentiful diarrhea that it runs down your leg and pools in your shoe.

Derived from Rob "Deek" De Castella, the marathon runner, who once this happened to when running a marathon.
Fucked her so hard in the ass she deeked herself all over my sheets!

I let her lick the deek of my willy. Gotta love the choc grin!
by Pat Bateman August 18, 2004
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