1. The progressive eating away of one's underwear over time. Usually caused by crotch sweat and crotch smell. Will begin as small holes in crotch of underwear, will become a gaping hole over time.
Bill's mother bought him new underwear after she noticed that many of his undies had succumbed to crotch rot.
by Fetus1 November 30, 2007
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a man's testicle area thats been eaten away by an std

a man who hasnt shaved his testicle area and its gotten eaten away by the jungle (jungle rot) instead of your feet its your nuts
"Jesus christ, look at yourself, standing naked in a locker room showing off your crotch rot. thats just wrong!"
by Sabertooth nigga December 1, 2004
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When a vagina or penis has a rotten or foul smell, and also leaks a black cottage cheese like substance.
Yo this bitch gave me crotch rot! Now I have to go and have my penis drained 3x a day and I already lost my balls.

My ex boyfriend gave me crotch rot and now my puss smells like a rotting corpse that has been in a sewer for 2 years.
by pussycat93 December 27, 2016
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Typically one of the first signs of a person lacking hygiene, a condition by which a person experiences a constant sweaty state in their groin area, which leads to discomfort and a very bad smell. Continued lack of hygene often leads to a bad case of swamp ass. Occurs with both males and females.
You can tell that guy has a bad case of crotch rot, he's walking all funny and he smells horrific.
by GreatJT October 10, 2010
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a name someone can call you. Its really hardcore to call a cool person crotch rot when they are clean. They should always take it as a compliment... unless they feel dirty. then they should go home and wash their crotch lke 5 times.
'''talking'''blah blah blah''''
"hey crotch rot"
"what does that mean??? wtf...my crotch isn't rotting"
"oh well...crotch rot"
by popcornisbetterthanyou April 1, 2007
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what you get after having sex with male or female from arkansas.
by goatee July 27, 2003
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A Mythical form of Marijuana that is said to only be grown in Hell by Satan himself. It is said that all Ghosts that walk the Earth carry this substance, and only the true stoner may coax it from them.
Ted: Dude let me have some of that Pandora's Crotch Rot.

Bill: You are not worthy
by King Touchstone April 22, 2011
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