thank you.
widnes (uk)term, derivative of 'cheers', quicker and simpler version.
"pass me a beer mark"
"here you go, pat"
by mark n' pat September 4, 2003
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to Show someone a little bit of cheek and think ur all smart
Oi don’t u be using chib with me
by Scranielle October 18, 2020
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Someone who is a Cunt a Hoe and ignorant also a bitch
Joe:God i hate that dude so much.
Yuri:Yeah he’s a Chib
by Curse word November 27, 2019
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A penis that has a piece of hair out of its urethra
by JJF8 April 12, 2019
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An insult that can be substituted for retard and holds the same meaning
“Hey did you hear about the kid that drank gasoline and died?”
Yeah dude, what an absolute chib.”
by Yeetdabman June 23, 2018
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An alternative to the popular phrase "chin up". A sarcastic response to something bad happening.
"Just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me with my dad"

Response: "Chibs."
by JTT723 December 19, 2011
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