Died suddenly. Typically used to describe the improbable outcome of death due to unusual or unlikely circumstances.
The guy was a marathoner his whole life, model of fitness for everyone we know. He was taking out the garbage this morning when he just cacked.
by LKool June 14, 2007
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another word for have sex with, in the verb sense.
I cacked that bitch so hard last night.
by urgayallday January 2, 2010
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n. - Cock with an "a" instead of an "o."
1. She was suckin' on my cack all night. And it was nice.
2. Don't be such a cack, man.
by Hemang May 21, 2008
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staffordshire english for shit, crap shyte, dung,
arrr looka tha oss cack in the road
by paul hinton May 4, 2006
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Noun: a person, place, thing or event that a person has extreme distaste for. Also a term of violence if somebody is about to get “Cacked” in the face.

It also has a very general use, often substituted for the generic and overused word “fuck”. If I accidentally hit my finger with a hammer, I would say “Cack!!”, not “fuck”.

“Cackasaurus” is an extreme manifestation of Cack. If a person is very rude and very unpleasant, that would constitute the label of “Cackasaurus”.

Adverb: when “Cack” is set in motion…If a rude person is walking down the street, he is in fact, Cackingly walking down the street.
CACK man!!! I can’t believe you let that Cackasaurus walk away in that Cackingly demeanor...let's get him!!!
by uncle catfish & McNugett October 4, 2013
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