She is your ride or die friend. The best girlfriend. The truest love. She is bold and loud, but she has a soft side only a few get to see. When she’s in love, she’s all in. But if she feels cheated, she will walk away and act like you never existed. She keeps secrets. She loves hard. She has a smart mouth but that’s to keep her vulnerable side hidden. The definition of her name means happiness. Keep her happy and you’ll have a friend/lover for life.
Felicia will always be there when you need her.
by La Di Da December 5, 2021
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A great girl and amazing friend!!! She's really pretty and she's always there for you.......and she is really smart!! She's the bestest friend you'll ever have!
"Wow she's felicia!"
by Anonymous Writer June 3, 2005
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Felicia is a rice cracker who can’t eat spicy, who is believed to may even be a furry. Felicia is blind af and tends to walk weird (natural skill issues caused by foot fetish). Felicia is very goofy, very lovely.
1. Felicia likes beating people up.
2. Despite Felicia’s oddness, Trisha thinks she’s lovely. <3
by tw1nk February 11, 2023
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People named Felicia is very caring, nice, and beautiful. They are fricking hot and badass. It's very common that they are obsessed with guys and especially guys named Melker.
-Hey, have you seen another Felicia obsessed with Melker
-Are u suprised?
by lökensmoder April 29, 2020
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The word Felicia means happiness. And I can see why she makes me very happy. Sexually and in any other way possible. When it refers to her name representing a beautiful flower you'll know why it has that name. Because if u ever see a Felicia you will know it every feature will show pure beauty and behind the scenes she is a ravenous sexual being and turns me on! Nevertheless she is not to be mistaken as ghetto or a whore. She is faithful, kind, caring and a pleasure to be with. And best of all she makes me jizz in my pants.
A beautiful body full of burning passion + great personality + amazing = Felicia
by OMGfelicia'ssexy April 16, 2010
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Felicia is the ultimate B.A. (badass) of words. Felicia is synonymous with ninja, pro (not the first definition), and mega maxable(example a). Used to simply describe something as badass, beautiful, or completely pro. Can also be used as a verb to describe the ultimate owning of something (example b).
A. Wow! Chuck Norris owned that giant killer robot, that was so Felicia.

B. Chuck Norris ninja-ed over the Washington State border and Felicia-ed the Oregonian in the face.
by ThunderCatshoooo January 31, 2006
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