verb. English slang terminology having the meanings: 1. To take, to consume. 2. Used to mark the occurance of something. 3. To strike or impact.
1. "yeah mate, I boshed about 15 beans last night... I was well fucked"
2. "I was just sitting there at work, when bosh! ... the phone rang and there she was..."
3. "He just ran up to the geezer and boshed him in the face with a bottle of stella"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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To agree to something where the obvious is stated. Similar meaning to “no-shit” or “no-shit Sherlock”.
Person 1: Hey man, did you hear about the new ‘Gunnaalbum that just came out?

Person 2: Bosh, it was pretty great.
by hopshops July 26, 2020
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To put a patient off to sleep (RSI) when they are injured or very sick. (Verb)
Used with high frequency in prehospital medical teams (HEMS) when caring for critically ill trauma patients.
We’ll Bosh this patient and then take them to hospital
by King of the Bosh October 17, 2021
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A bosh is a subspecies of men who spend most of their time giving their kids time-outs/grounding them, taking away their electronics, or making them chop wood.

They usually hang out with the guys at the bar, go to football events, but are also culturally aware at the same time of things in the world, and sometimes even use it to justify self-entitled behaviors.
"Watch out for that bosh driving his new pickup truck."

"Here comes the Boshes at the daycare."
by Justicewithtacosandweed March 19, 2021
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boshing is slang for smashing, spiffing, great. It basically means that you are okay or that the music you are listening to is good etc.
"how are you Jane?" "Me? i'm well boshing!"
by algaLeslison August 30, 2009
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To kill someone or something if you want to say kill in a family friendly way. It is also a secret way of saying I want to kill you as not many people or aliens know the proper meaning.
Kid: I will bosh you

Idiot: What does bosh mean?
Kid: This *pulls out MP3 and shoots the idiot*
Kid: Job done 😁
by SomeKidig_ April 3, 2022
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A Ghetto word
A girl that does anything with a boy. (Sexually)
basically means they fuck anyone.
in other words.. a hoe/slut/whore

'eurghh man shes a bosh'

by unknownzzz November 2, 2007
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