The Best Movie Ever and the best character
My Name Is Borat I Wanna Fuck Pamela Anderson :)
You like?
by Neo Corey December 7, 2006
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continulously using terms from Borat months/ years after seeing the movie,despite it isolating you from current culture,events,friends,and family.

much like boratism
How was the sex with Daniel?

well it was good until his Boratitis kicked in ... he just kept saying "high five", "nice",and "my wife" all through it.
by lizdistrustsboratism June 8, 2007
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ethnic slur for Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, former member countries of the Soviet Union, Moldavians, Bulgarians, Romanians and Albanians, as originated by a traditional Jewish ethnic joke, popularised by Sacha Baron Cohen. This ethnic slur does not apply to former Yugoslav nations, Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Estonians and Sorbs. In a British court, a Polish engineer won a court case against his officemates for calling him Borat, citing that no Brit (or many other Western Europeans) would call any Central and Eastern European Borat.
British office worker: Hello, Borat
Polish co-worker: Sod off!
by chav_90 August 5, 2019
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A fictitious Kazakh reporter, played by Sacha Baron-Cohen, first appearing on “Da Ali G Show” and later appearing in his own movie. He likes sex.
by Pussbag McGee November 24, 2020
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Possibly the most insulting film of all time. Sacha Baron Cohen plays the role of Borat in this film. The film runs for approximately 85 minutes, and is rated 15 in the UK, 18 in Ireland, and R in the USA.

The film is about Borat Sagdiyev, a Kazakh man, travelling to the USA to learn how to be like them. While in America, Borat falls in love with Pamela Anderson while watching Baywatch. Sacha Baron Cohen also plays the role in Channel 4 UK's Da Ali G Show.

Some scenes are not acted, and were performed in real life without people knowing, like the scene where Borat learns to dine like a gentleman, or the scene where Borat tries to get a room in a hotel while speaking like a homie, but the receptionist threatens to call the police.

The DVD has a selection of deleted scenes such as "Sexy Drown Watch" (a parody of Baywatch), a global PR tour and a music infomercial.
*Words from a deleted scene*
Borat: And what is this?
Shop Assistant: That's cheese.
Borat: And what is this?
Shop Assistant: That's also cheese.
Borat: And what is this?
Shop Assistant: Cheese.
Borat: And what is this?
Shop Assistant: That's cheese also.
Borat: And this?
Shop Assistant: That's also cheese.
*Borat goes through the whole aisle of cheese.*
by John Clarkie January 27, 2008
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an afflicition causing a person to belive they are doing a spot on impersonation of borat, when they most definately are not!
Yo, your sister has a severe case of boratitis!
by orlandosgurl494 June 15, 2007
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the cherry-picking and presentation of allegedly amusing examples of members of a particular group acting stupid, especially when collected by means of "man on the street" interviews, having the effect of reinforcing stereotypes, provoking riducule and/or raising feelings of alarm toward the target group.
In "Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", we see Boratism at it's height: the manufactured portrayal of a nation as a collection of idiots.
by Kirtley July 11, 2008
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