When you have played a joke on someone via a blog post; i.e. a cross between blog and punked
That story you made up on your blog was hilarious. He had no idea that was coming.

Yeah, I totally blunked him, didn't I?
by melisalw May 12, 2009
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A term used for inserting your outer bellybutton into a women at a high velocity.
I blunked your mom last night, it was quite the awesomeness
by DjTyph April 1, 2010
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A mixture of blood and spunk usually from over 'stretching' in bed.
She woke up to blunk stains on her sheets.
by Online Mafia August 5, 2003
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One day, your life is going great; you’re on the fast-track toward accomplishing all of your goals, you compromise your morals, wake up in the St. Louis hand-job dungeon, have the clap, and it’s like you’ve Blunk, and your life is totally different.
by Anklepants December 21, 2018
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The mixture of Spunk and Blood, like you would find after having unprotected sex with a girl who's got the painters in.
Her: "lets have sex"
Him: "but you're on the blob"
Her: "Then lets make Blunk!"
Him: "aye, go on then, its either that or wank meself stupid"
by Spunky127 May 31, 2010
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Alt punk before the bubble gum bullshit showed up

Aka.. Blink + Punk = Blunk Rock
"Man I miss the days when I used to blast Blunk Rock in the car stereo.. that was pure sublime dude".
by Blunk182 October 9, 2021
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