A shot of Jaeger dropped in a half glass of Red Bull.
Synonym for Jaegerbomb.
Z ran his bartab up to 200 bones on Monday night by ordering 35 blasters.
by bstone September 30, 2005
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n. Offensive Slang
A derogatory term for a homosexual man. A dookie-blaster.
Anyone man who pounds ass.
Guy1: Man are you goin' to club shizznit on Friday?
Guy2: Hell naw playa, it's a gay club Friday. Nothin' but blasters up in that piece.
by 10101011 June 25, 2004
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The guy in a gay relationship who plays the male role.
Jerdatty is Revenant's blaster.
by Reputable Source April 26, 2005
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Hitting straight Tobacco/Cigarette/D out of a bong.
ewww man dave rips Blasters!
by Lois mculkan November 16, 2007
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n. an area of extreme, concentrated irritation or pain located on the keister; a portmanteau of the words "ass" and "blister."
Dude, would you slow down going over those speedbumps? I've got a killer blaster and you aren't helping.
by Schusta December 15, 2009
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(n) An excretion. A powerful excretion. Few select individuals can manage to launch this powerful swamp blast.
Person 1: You will fall to the power of my pond blaster!
Person 2: You fool. You are no match for the power of my censor button!
by Swimsical November 14, 2019
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1) Noun - A person that plunders too much anus to the point that it is disgusting.
(Can be used as insult)

2) Noun - A blaster of anus
Johnny is such an anal blaster, he blasts so much ass it makes me want to puke.

Jamal took my phone, he is such an anal blaster.
by Jamal Anuus September 30, 2015
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