You're doing doggy on a chick and when she backs up on you, you balance your forearm on her back for a little support. Then when you're thrusting you perform 'The Beetle', here you slither a nice lick of your middle 3 fingers (Index, Middle, Ring Finger). Now that you have some nice traction on your fingers you wind up with a fat smack across the ass, this guarantees a ripping connection every time!
"Dude it was crazy I full Beetled her"
"What the fuck man, you gave her the Beetle"
by BeamingRappa May 27, 2019
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The act of curling up and lying on your back, just like a flipped over beetle. Sometimes tricky to get back up
'what you doing?'
'mad hangover!'
by barry manihigh January 20, 2013
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when a blunt is being smoked, it burns down to the size of a beetle (thus the name) before it burns down to the size of a roach.
stoner1: hey you want to hit this beetle?
stoner2: nah its okay just let me get the roach.
by tripsytrips February 29, 2008
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Noun; Slang. A term used to refere to the Crypt Lord.
"Taste the wrath of my Beetle Whiskers, blademaster faggot!"
by Gren January 7, 2004
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Beetle: to beetle means to take off with slight paranoia, scram, get, or run away quickly. 2: to flee the scene. 3: get the fuck outta dodge.
Hey Twitch where did the dog go? Oh she beetled off out the door. Hey I gotta bettle before your husband gets home.
by Twitchenese March 19, 2007
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Beetleing is a colloquial term which is used when reffering to sex. Most commonly used when one reffers to a quickie!
Rory - "See that elaine - she'd get a right beetleing!!"
John - "Nah the only one who would get a beetleing is that Jill!"
Alexander - "You guys got it all wrong, Lynne would get a beetleing"
Peter - "What about me???"
by Rory1992 October 18, 2007
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Yo man, gimme a beetle. I smoked my last one already.
by Christopher512 April 25, 2009
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