A super annoying guy who lives to frustrate you and give you anxiety.
Friend: "Im so annoyed!"
You: "You must of talked to Yan!"
by gypsyjudge May 13, 2019
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the long breadstick things you dip in the flavored dip to eat
Marc: have you tried yan yan, chris?
Chris: yes, i like how their dip tastes like
by theweaselwarrior October 15, 2020
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a girl that likes girls. my socks are hotter than her whole family. she has a fatty. she eats cats. she smells like rice. her future wife is granny. she has 3 toes
yan is yan and yan is the same thing as yan.
by Tarifries June 17, 2020
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To enter the wrong room while sleepwalking, assuming it is the bathroom and urinating on a piece of furniture.
Last night he came in my room and yanned all over my chair. The funny thing is he wasn't even drunk
by Hugo Hunx May 8, 2005
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the most kind and honest girl, sweet and caring, very patient and trustworthy. She has the ability to make you smile, and will do it for you any day. Her shy and kind personality will make you soft, a kind kpop stan thats always by your side.
Yan An is really nice!

Right? We all need a Yan An in our lives!
by anonymous ateen May 2, 2018
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A person who believes a road can be built in a 90 degree manner, he is a way outside the box thinker, he believes that the laws of physics don't apply.
by Mahtaehc June 21, 2015
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Yet Another Needless Shit.
This product is YANS.
I don't need it, it's YANS.
Why do they make this YANS ?
by Jozef Sevcik August 16, 2008
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