You're dad is a stupid lugnut, I guess that makes you a wingnut.
by nunu123 January 11, 2010
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The term is intended to refer to an irrational individual obsessed with forcing their ideology upon the world. The term is used most often by individuals on the left of the political spectrum to describe their opposition on the right.

In practice, use of this term supports the need by those on the left to rely on name-calling and taunts. This serves as a distraction and avoids the need to defend deeply-held beliefs with actual facts or other objectively-verifiable conditions.
Randi Rhodes - "He might be a world renown scholar, but he's a wingnut! The man is just a wingnut! He keeps asking for proof of **things that we know in our hearts to be true**. So... you know... It's better to walk away from these people. Warn your friends. Tell them not to listen! It's better than trying to confronting them with facts. They'll just bury you in proof of what they're saying until it's like ... 'Woah'. It can be confusing, so I just say they're wingnuts and I'm done with it. You know?"
by PixelQuixelSmurf June 29, 2011
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A name given to someone who is being a tard about something.
"You went to the liquor store and forgot to buy the beer???? You are such a wingnut!"
by Mark Brizendine September 1, 2005
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An irrationally conservative person or talking head whose ideology is as radically right-wing and ignorant as the mullah clerics of Iran.
That wingnut Limbaugh thinks that health-insurance coverage of the pill is a form of funding prostitutes; but he's glad that health insurance covers Viagra so his penis can try to have sex.
by Yasi Joon March 2, 2012
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A person who subscribes to wacky religious idea's such as, people should live a full on vegetarian and celibate life and runs around the same city block for thousands of miles in order to be healthfull
Could It be some pop music stars actualy are Wingnuts and have very bizzare relgious practices for instance Carlos Santana's involvment with Sri Chimoy and that sillyness
by Robinrobby August 16, 2007
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A Spookaloo white trash cracker, who only drives jap rice burners... that aren't fast at all. Wingnuts usually also get arrested for possession of narcotics...mainly crack. These wingnuts are also usually on the brink of insanity, and are ready to strike at any moment with a key or other sharp item. Keep a close eye on these strange individuals, they will flip you...flip you fo real.
Man!! Wingnut just jumped out tha bushes and stabbed the Blob!!!!
by Powerman5000 May 26, 2009
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