When receiving head and about to finish, you slam your girlfriends head down on your dick as far as physically possible while yelling WHAMMY!
Girl: My throat hurts.
Friend: Are you sick?
Girl: No, my boyfriend gave me a Whammy last night.
by SnortyG November 4, 2009
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The act of a girl sticking her fist(s) into the vaginal cavity.
by andy March 6, 2003
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1. Street term that recreational users created for the sole purpose of renaming the herb Marijuana.
2. Marijuana or using Marijuana.
by Cpt_Planeteer September 6, 2005
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A whammy is another word for 'penis', the opposite of a U.K. Fanny. It adds new meaning to the game 'Guitar Hero', where you use a whammy stick to get extra points.
*Pretty girl walks by*
Man: Wow, my whammy just got very hard.
by Hannie D June 15, 2007
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Making a fist and hitting someone in the butt cheek as hard as you can using the palm side of the fist.
"Ouch! That whammy you just gave me is really painful."

"I just gave Melvin a whammy so hard it's going to leave a welt there for a week!"

"What the hell is wrong with you? What possessed you to give me a whammy just now?"

by Shmishews February 27, 2009
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Bunk sex or drugs. Something not good.
by Toya December 9, 2004
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according to dane cook..while gettin sucked off..slamming your hand down on your partner's head causing them to choke on your cock as you scream WHAMMY!!!
Yo dude, I gave this fat whore a WHAMMY!!! last night.
by britorkel August 3, 2006
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