To be absolutely in love with one another. Over the stars and skies, world series kinda thing ( universe ) Butterflies and non stop smiling. JLS BDK
Babe, i was twitterpated the minute I met you
by BDK JLS December 31, 2011
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a woman so horny she is wet to below her knees
Every time the dark haired attendant smiled at her she was instantly twitterpated.
She couldn't drink tequila because she knew it would make her horny, and if she had 2 she would become twitterpated.
by cold clear light April 4, 2015
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To be in absolute aww over something improtant such as a girl. Head over heels in love with that one person and loveing every single moment of it. or to care greatly for one person that you perhapes like.
the girl is so twitterpated when the boy suprised her with flowers.
by lilopie4ya May 13, 2006
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Becoming constipated after using Twitter for long durations of time, or too often.
Bob: "I spent fifteen hours on Twitter, and now I feel really constipated."
Joe: "Dude, you're Twitterpated!
by Andremeria September 9, 2014
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in love with someone. to have it bad for another person.
I'm twitterpated with James!
by Navy_Brat90 March 30, 2005
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to be in love like lovebirds. like tweety and his girlfriend. your sickly sweetness annoys everyone around you.
gosh, those two are so twitterpated, they might as well go out already.
by CCdances August 27, 2004
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what he does to me evey time I think about him
I'm comletley twitterpated where he is concerned
by Souljah347 March 27, 2008
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