The nemesis of shotgun where once "shotgun" is called, the first friend to shout "challenge" gets to vie for the coveted front passenger seat via a game of rock scissors paper. Can be nullified by shouting "Shotgun, no challenge"
Friend 1: Come on, we gotta go
Friend 2: I call Shot gun
Friend 3: Challenge!
by merkin January 3, 2006
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1. A person who creatively and successfully deals with all of life's challenges.

A synonym for fucked up.

Cousin Sam is challenged.
by ~a and ~d October 26, 2007
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1. Gangster slang for "corolla"

2. A dream had by men who are on the verge of impregnating their wives.
1. "Hey purdy lady, take a ride in my challenger yo." Typical response: "Nice corolla." followed by ROFL

2. "Honey, I'm going to look at challengers." Response: "Sure honey. Please have a look at the model that seats 8 with the automatic sliding doors"
by baaz333 September 11, 2010
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1. The legendary bong, the challenger is 3 ft high with a 6 inch diameter chamber, that reduces down to 3 in., the challenger has a large tube to allow the person hitting it to sit down, it is a two person operation due to the sheer size. The size of the bong makes it a perfect party bong, along with the tube to allow multiple people to hit it before the chamber is even cleared. The Challenger gets it's name from the rocket ship that exploded in 1986 during launch, because its resemblance to it, and because the amount of smoke it allows produced is rival, to scale, of the amount that would be produced if a rocket was lifting off. The Challenger is not to be used by beginners, as they may end up far too high to function. It is best when coupled with alcohol.
1. Dude did you see Rob hit the challenger yesterday? TOTALLY EPIC!
Yea after one hit we were all toast!
by Backkkup June 28, 2007
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A sexual act, preferably performed in a room with a low ceiling and requiring great upper body strength. The man lies flat on the bed, while the woman sits upright on top of him. At the moment of climax, the man lifts or throws the woman up into the air until her head makes contact with the ceiling. The ejaculate represents ignition and the ensuing crash represents the tragic explosion of the famed spacecraft in 1986.
Stacy's been riding the short bus to school, since John did that challenger on her last month.
by Zachg December 5, 2007
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A variation of "the game" in which the point is NOT to remind people of the challenge, because if you remind someone of the challenge, they are allowed to punch you once in the arm.
the rules of the Challenge are as follow:
1) you can only punch the person who reminded you of the challenge in the arm, no one else
2) if someone directly refers to the challenge, and it reminds you, you may punch that person twice
3) you only have to tell the person you punch that they reminded you of the challenge, unlike "the game" where you have to admit it out loud
4) if you remember the challenge without being reminded, you must punch a wall
5) after being reminded of the challenge you have a one hour grace period in which you cannot be reminded of the challenge, you may not punch people as part of the challenge during this time.
please apologize for punching someone after you do, then explain to them it was because of the challenge.
guy 1: ninja gaiden 2 is so challenging

guy 2 punches guy 1

guy 2:sorry, you reminded me of the challenge
by Ian Marvin :: Jacob Denver February 3, 2009
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