for a motor vehicle to collide with the side of another motor vehicle
Watch how you drive! You almost T-boned that pickup.(example of T-bone)
by The Return of Light Joker April 13, 2011
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1) A very good steak

2) A nickname George Costanza from "Seinfeld" wanted to be called by at work, but Neil Watkins in accounting got it instead.
Everyone is gathered around a large conference table.

KRUGER: Let's order lunch. Mary, I will have a chef's salad.
MALE WORKER: Turkey sandwich.
GEORGE: T-bone steak.
KRUGER: For lunch?
GEORGE: Well, I am just a T-bone kinda guy. Love that T-bone. In fact, you might as well call me--
WATKINS: That sounds good. I'll have one, too.
KRUGER: Watkins, you're havin' a T-bone?
WATKINS: I love 'em.
KRUGER: Well, then we should call you T-bone.
GEORGE: Uh, no. No, we shouldn't.
KRUGER: T-bone!
ALL EXCEPT GEORGE (chanting): T-bone! T-bone! T-bone! T-bone! T-bone! T-bone! T-bone! T-bone!
by corcan November 28, 2006
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Sizeable phallus, desired by all women, succulent meat on the bone, nickname mostly associated with the clan McKenna from Co.Monaghan
Turf and surf wasnt on the menu so she was surprised to get crabs with her T Bone
by Ivor Longfellow February 5, 2010
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The act of making love while wearing a visor, preferably one with a fishhook attached.
Almost had a fuckin' t-bone last night but da damn fishhook got caught in her eye.
by ender's flame November 19, 2010
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When a man pounds a woman SO deep that he's pounding his nads up against her butt - T-boning her...bottoming out.
I fucked her so deep it was a T Bone!
by GroovyMimi April 22, 2009
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When you grinding with a girl and you get a full on erection and you flip your dick onto the girls back, as if it were riding it like a horse.
1st Bro: Yeah dude last night i T-bone'd Lauren and Morgan
2nd Bro: What??
1st Bro: Yeah i just swung my hand down and lifted my schlong onto her back it was nice.
2nd Bro: Nice

by Elevendyhundred November 20, 2011
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When walking and you hit your side/hip on an object preferably a table.
no need for an example, everyone does it. You probably got t-boned earlier today.
by mysterysaintQ January 21, 2014
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