Sutter is a name for a guy who can't shit. Whenever you want to go somewhere or do something fun, the first thing he'll do is go to the bathroom. He has problems but refuses to do anything. Sometimes he'll be in there for 40 minutes.

Never be a Sutter
(Friend 1): Where did he go off too?
(Friend 2): The restroom
(Friend 1): What a fucking Sutter
by Camphost August 6, 2023
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Sutterization is the process of forming bonds between a coach sutter and any single player. When the two bonds collide and work together it is said the bonds have reached sutterization.
Sutterization of Calgary Flames continues with recent acquisitions.
by bireezy July 30, 2021
A person with this name is strong-willed and amazingly funny. They're smart and considerate and are not afraid to show to everyone that they care.

They've got love to give to everyone, and are great with their hands. Boys with this name are SPECIAL. Jeremiah Sutter deserves respect and kindness wherever he goes.
Jeremiah Sutter hasn't felt real joy since two years ago. But now that he's happy, and smiling, and laughing, the whole world and everyone in it is experiencing real joy.
by Pengirl :3 March 2, 2018
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The Jewel of the Mother Lode. Which isn't saying much.

Its population is about 2000. It's located smack-dab in the middle of Ass County, Assachusetts, USA. The 'A' in USA just stands for more ass.

(It's definitely not from Amador County nope nope no sir-ee)

There is a shitty school nearby. It's called Amador High School.

It mainly consists of:

- An entire army of (shitty) football players who like to point at girls and go, "ayyyy she got double d's"
- An entire army of 4' 11" girls who keep pulling their leggings up in an attempt to appear sexy but it just looks like they're giving themselves a wedgie
- Our lord and savior Cella
- weird drama kids
- weird band kids
- Those couples that stand in the middle of the hall and kiss when you're trying to go to fucking Geometry class
- A clowder of emos who call themselves nonbinary catgirls
- A bunch of country boys probably named Travis or something that call everything gay
- Weird horse girls (hurr durr)
- Trailer park trash
- People who don't have computers at home
- People who'd risk their lives to film Tiktoks
- People whose entire lives revolve around goats

And more! Come experience this at Amador County (and get peacefully drunk with fellow grandmas/grampas xoxo)
Teenage girl: Did you hear about Sutter Creek? I heard it's the Hick capital of the world!
Travis: hurr durr you got double d's
by Exxen Oxen February 8, 2022
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