1. A progrssive rock band that specialized in power ballads and reigned from the early 70's to the early 80's. Rather than the just the 80's. Similar sounding (but far superior) to REO Speedwagon.

2. A rivr mentioned in the book of Genisis and Greek legend.
proformers of such cult classics as "Mr. Roboto" and "The Grand Illusion."
by kaji March 1, 2004
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Much-maligned rock group, a guilty pleasure if ever there was one. One of their best albums, The Grand Illusion, is a loose concept album which takes the pursuit of fame as its theme and is best known for the anthemic 'Come Sail Away'.
"The Grand Illusion by Styx is an amazing album, and I'm not going to apologise for saying that."
by Whadduc Hunt January 9, 2007
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an incredibly righteous classic rock band disliked only by long-haired, devil worshipping, iron maiden listening bastards
The Rolling Stones have been old for decades....Styx, however, will never get old.
by connman August 6, 2006
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styx...a rock band spanning the 70s to present day and inspired me to play guitar from 3 if you have anything bad to say about them you got babysat by gary glitter mate.you fuckin gay bellends il rape your girlfreinds in there knightmares if you have owt 2 say about styx coz they FUCKIN ROCK >>>>u just got OWNED...oh and its the river of the dead too..()(^_^)()
GAYLORD: man styx suck dick

STYX FAN_(PULLS OUT GUN) BANG take that you fuckin klaxon
by michael heyes August 27, 2007
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man you know you live in the styx when you have to drive 30 minuts to go to the store.
by Sara is cool January 15, 2007
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In Classical (Greek and Roman) mythology,the Styx is the river that separates the living from the dead. It is the river that separates the living from hades (hell).

The expression "out in the Styx " means far away from civilization, where nothing much happens.

The spelling "sticks" is incorrect. It should be "Styx".
Hey dude, I'm living out in the Styx. Nothing happens here - not even shit!
by Hip gnostic October 27, 2013
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A band with a vocalist that doesn't have a nutsack, therefore causing his voice to be bitchy sounding and irriririrtatting. and they balls
Styx sounds like a bundle of faggot sticks styx ahhhh satan hades ew greek my big fat greek wedding
by Jewish Launderay April 23, 2006
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